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Trans-Sumatra costs reach $1.7 billion, according to Hutama Karya

The cost for completing the three toll road sections of the Trans-Sumatra project will be almost US$1.7 billion, according to a major Indonesian construction firm. Hutama Karya is working on the 140km stretch from Bakauheni-Terbangi Besar, the 28km Palembang-Simpang Indralya section and the 18km Medan-Binjai stretch, said the company’s managing director, Gusti Ngurah Putera The Trans-Sumatran Highway is the primary north-south road, running around 2,500km on the island of Sumatra. It connect the north
November 14, 2016 Read time: 1 min
The cost for completing the three toll road sections of the Trans-Sumatra project will be almost US$1.7 billion, according to a major Indonesian construction firm.

5206 Hutama Karya is working on the 140km stretch from Bakauheni-Terbangi Besar, the 28km Palembang-Simpang Indralya section and the 18km Medan-Binjai stretch, said the company’s managing director, Gusti Ngurah Putera

The Trans-Sumatran Highway is the primary north-south road, running around 2,500km on the island of Sumatra. It connect the north of the island in Banda Aceh to Bandar Lampung in the south, running through many major cities, including Medan and Padang.

Last December, World Highways reported that a loan of $91 million had been signed between Indonesian infrastructure financing company Sarana Multi Infrastrucktur (SMI) and Hutama Karya. The money for work on the 22km Palembang-Indrayala stretch of the Trans Sumatra.

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