Funding is being secured for key Indonesian road projects.

Funding is being secured for Indonesian road projects – image courtesy of © Butenkow,
Funding is being secured for seven important toll road projects in Indonesia. The finance package will be worth US$551.55 million and will be used by Wasikita Karya (WSKT) to pay for work on the toll road connections.
The WSKT subsidiary, Waskita Toll Road, will employ the funding for its toll road works. The toll roads to be built include the route linking Bekasi with Cawang, Kampung and Melayu, the road connecting Kayu Agung with Palembang and Betung, the road from Ciawi to Sukabumi and the road between Cimanggis and Cibitung. They also include the road linking Krian with Legundi, Bunder and Manyar, the road connecting Pejagan and Pemalang and the road between Pasuruan and Probolinggo