Under the theme "Connecting to Empower Mobility: Roads as Enablers of a Sustainable Future for All," the IRF World Congress 2024 – to be hosted in Istanbul on 15-18 October – will gather global leaders, industry experts, academia, and diverse public and private stakeholders to engage in insightful discussions and collaborative efforts, The IRF World Congress promises an enriching experience with a comprehensive programme, featuring daily plenaries, specialised and technical sessions, hands-on workshops, training sessions, a ministerial meeting, and technical visits. Attendees will benefit from the insights of over 250 esteemed speakers representing top organisations, including UNECE, TotalEnergies Foundation, European Investment Bank, International Transport Forum, World Health Organization, ASECAP, IBTTA beside industry leaders.
Critical issues to be addressed: decarbonisation, sustainable infrastructure, road safety, autonomous mobility, and data management amongst many others. A detailed programme is available on irf2024.irfofficial.org.
ADB Green Roads Workshop
On 14th October – a day before the official opening of the Congress - the Asian Development Bank (ADB) will host its "Green Roads Workshop – Pathways to Sustainable Mobility." This session will introduce the ADB Green Roads Toolkit, focusing on decarbonisation, climate resilience, water and land management, pollution control, biodiversity conservation, disaster preparedness, sustainable material sourcing, quality of life improvement, and inclusive economic growth. Participants will learn how to tailor green road measures to specific contexts, supporting global sustainability goals, including the Paris Agreement and the Sustainable Development Goals.
Smart & Future Mobility
On 15th October, PAVE Europe (Partners for Automated Vehicle Education) will be holding a special session on “Paving the Way: The Interplay of Technology, Infrastructure, and Society in AV Deployment”. This session will explore the complexities of deploying autonomous vehicles, addressing technological and infrastructural challenges while highlighting the importance of public understanding and societal impact. Key topics will include necessary infrastructure upgrades, smart traffic systems, and V2X communication networks.

Regional Collaboration and Policy Innovation
On 16th October, ANAS – FS Italy, UNECE’s Global Forum for Road Traffic Safety (WP1), PIARC Italy, and the Union for the Mediterranean (UfM) are coming together to bring you an insightful session on “The Pivoting Role of Transformative Transport Policies in the Euro-Mediterranean Area.” This panel will emphasize regional collaboration in addressing shared challenges and opportunities, promoting sustainable socio-economic growth.
A Road Safety Assessment Framework
In pursuit of the UN Decade of Action for Road Safety goals, performance measurement for corporate social responsibility has emerged as a promising way to engage the private sector. Organised by the International Transport Forum (ITF), Fédération Internationale de l’Automobile (FIA), and World Health Organization (WHO), this session on 17th October will explore the value – from the perspectives of government, private companies and finance institutions – of a framework for assessing the safety footprint of corporate value chains.
Ministerial Meeting: Decarbonised and Resilient Transport for Resilient Societies and Economies
The Congress will also welcome Ministers from every continent for a closed Ministerial Meeting hosted by the Ministry of Transport and Infrastructure of the Republic of Türkiye. This high-level gathering will feature roundtable discussions focused on decarbonised and resilient transport, fostering strategic planning and actionable initiatives for sustainable and resilient transport systems.
Exhibition & Sponsorship Opportunities Available
Valuable sponsorship and exhibition opportunities are still available, providing unparalleled visibility and exclusive access to a selected global audience.
For more information and to register, visit the official Congress Website at irf2024.irfofficial.org or contact the IRF at [email protected]. Early bird rates available till 15 August.
Speakers at IRF World Congress 2024:

Content produced in association with the International Road Federation.