Volvo CE says that these new ADTs offer a range of major gains over the models being replaced. And the new range also includes an all-new size class, the 45tonne capacity A50, which slots into the range between the proven A45 and A60 models. “It’s a brand new size class for us,” Jernberg commented.
The new transmissions help to reduce fuel consumption by up to 15% and coupled with the faster cycle times, this should help lower the cost/tonne for customers according to the firm.
Safety is always a key feature for Volvo CE and there are several improvements for the new generation trucks. These include a bigger cab entrance for the operator, new hand rails, additional lighting around the machine and better camera systems. This last is a key feature, with a camera that shows forward view if the speed drops below 10km/h. In addition, the smart camera system shows the way ahead on the in-cab display automatically when the truck is climbing a steep slope and also switches automatically to a rear view when the operator starts reversing. Another camera shows the articulation joint so that the operator can see if anyone is in the danger spot.